
– To ensure adequate seating and necessary theatre personnel for each performance*, please make reservations as soon as possible. All seating is filled on a first-come, first-served basis. For example, if you need the 9:45am performance, please register early or you may be moved to the 12:30pm performance. Tickets are $4.00 for students and adults for most shows, but they are $5.00 for the Martin Luther King: The Norm of Greatness performances. Contact Julie Sliney with questions – 419-543-6998 or

– If you would like to make additions to your registration, please inform us with ample time – we will do what we can to accommodate you. Once made, reservation numbers cannot be reduced. If the number of attendees at the time of the event is smaller than your reservation, payment remains based on your reservation.

– TO REGISTER, please email the following information to

    • Requested performance, date, and time
    • Name of your school
    • Contact person(s)
    • Class grade
    • Number of students attending
    • Number of adults attending
    • How payment will be made (e.g., check, PO)

– Please make all checks payable to:

Children’s Theatre Foundation
c/o Dennis Rose, Treasurer
140 E Main Street
Lexington, Ohio 44904

Cell: 419-688-2166

Please be sure to inform your school’s treasurer of this change in address and do not send checks to the venue or to Julie Sliney.

– Programs run about one hour. Please allow additional time for seating and dismissal. Arrive at least 20 minutes early to allow for seating and using the restroom before the show begins.

– Please carefully read the theatre rules and share them with your students.

    • Remain seated during the performance – no restroom or drink breaks.
    • Performers appreciate appropriate audience response. Please follow good judgment.
    • Teachers, please sit with your classes to maintain control.
    • No gum or candy is permitted.
    • Remain seated at the end of the performance. Schools will be expediently dismissed via different exits.