Children’s Theatre Foundation (CTF) is a non-profit organization whose goal is to provide top quality, live performances to school-age children in our area. We depend on your responsible payments and critiques to maintain our high quality.
Please let us know if your school has any suggestions or has any administrators who would like to serve on our board of directors. If you have any questions or concerns about CTF or the upcoming season, please feel free to contact Julie Sliney at 419-543-6998 or email
The following guidelines have been established for reservations/scheduling:
Incoming reservations are accommodated on a first-come, first-served basis; therefore, it is important to send in reservations early so you can attend your preferred performance.
In attempting to serve more students, CTF will occasionally ask a school if they can switch to a morning or afternoon performance. There is no obligation for the school to do this, but if it can, more students may be able to be scheduled.
Our hope is that your experience is exciting and rewarding, but to ensure that everyone has a great time, we ask that you and your students follow these important guidelines:
– Remain seated during the performance – no restroom or drink breaks.
– Performers appreciate appropriate audience response. Please follow good judgment.
– Teachers, please sit with your classes to maintain control.
– No gum or candy is permitted.
– Remain seated at the end of the performance. Schools will be expediently dismissed via different exits.
If your school is in session on the day of performance, you are expected to attend and you will be billed. Shows start promptly on time, and no refunds will be given for late arrivals. If the performance is cancelled by CTF, refunds will be given to all schools that have registered and paid.
Children’s Theatre Foundation
c/o Dennis Rose, Treasurer
140 E Main Street
Lexington, Ohio 44904
Please be sure to inform your school’s treasurer of this change in address and do not send checks to the venue or to Julie Sliney.
(Due 8 weeks before performance)
The Ohio Arts Council awards grants to support transportation costs (up to $500) for each educational field trip, such as theatre performances. Learn more about the program and how to apply here! The form is easy to fill out and can be used multiple times. You will need to fill out a form for each performance you wish to attend.